Friday, February 25, 2011


Lybia crsis, mkt selloff.

Got out during premkt tuesday, smart.... but forget to buy put/ short since oil price go up. or NVDA down 8% tue.

mkt low on wednesday, ARMH sky rocket after that...

Mkt low on thur lunch again, then go back up...

Friday morning, last chance to get in, but i was too busy working...

got in around 11 for STLD because I saw it's unchanged at 18.5x. But when I got in, it was the highest at 18.65... it closed at 18.42....250 shares...

lesson: if the mkt is up 2 %, dont get in during that day.
lesson: 3 days down was the most, need to learn to buy when it's in red.
lesson: the BHP that I sold on Monday at's not 93.9 on Friday, if I don't buy during red day, rather hold it!!!!

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